Valais Blacknose Sheep Registry
and Info
Who's Responsible for This Info ?
25+ years of raising livestock
(primarily horses and last 16 years Gypsy Horses),
led me to eventually discovering the Valais Blacknose Sheep several years ago.
However, they were not available to import at the time.
The discovery that USDA would finally allow frozen semen
to be imported by USDA changed everything.
Finding the information initially proved to be challenging.
There was a very small group of semen sales people who
shared only self-serving information about themselves
and derogatory information about others which wasn't correct.
Then I located many extremely well-informed breeders
who were happy to share information and be helpful,
without the politics.
The purpose of this registry is to help share knowledge
and to have one central location of support and assistance
for these wonderful
Valais Blacknose Sheep.
About who is responsible for this information :
My income comes from breeding Gypsy Horses+ for 19 years.
I have imported Gypsy Cobs/Gypsy Horses from UK and Ireland for over 19 years.
I understand USDA and their rules for import.
I have worked with genetics experts for decades including UC Davis and
University of Kentucky.
I have been involved in DNA testing, color testing, disease testing for decades.
Now I am adding the joy of
Valais Blacknose Sheep Breed Up program to my ranch.
And happy to share info with you.
My Background :
My first passion, herd of 36
World Show Champion Gypsy Horses.
Assisted in early creation of Gypsy Horse Registry of America
which now has in excess of 2600 registered horses.
I use my Gypsy Horses ( and now my sheep ) in our 501(c)3 non-profit
therapy program for Veterans and others.
Surmounters of Texas, just South of Fort Worth.
With my Gypsy Horses we've been responsible for bringing
the Gypsy Horse World Show
to the Fort Worth Stock Show for six years. Been Clinician at State
Fair of Texas for three years.
Been Clinician at San Antonio Stock Show for three years,
and did entertaining end educational presentations at Houston Stock Show.
The various Stock Shows and State Fairs drew crowds in excess of one million
people each.
I will do all I can to bring this excitement to the Valais Blacknose Sheep breed
over the next few years.
We've participated with our Veterans and others in
MANY parades and promotional events.
We have donated our time with our Gypsy Horses with "Snowball Express"
serving the children of fallen heroes.
Now an Official Gary SInise Foundation program.
We were on the NBC Evening News with our Gypsy Horses.
I hope to bring similar exposure to these amazing
Valais Blacknose Sheep.
No politics, no secrets, just HAPPY VALAIS BLACKNOSE SHEEP
Breed Up program participants helping each other.
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